Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Lecture 14 (19/04/2024, 4h, TAs): homework 1b

 Introduction to homework 1b. In-class lab for the homework.

Lecture 13 (18/04/2024, 2h, S): Pre-trained language models

Pre-trained language models: BERT, GPT, RoBERTa, XLM.

Lecture 12 (12/04/2024, 3.5h): the Transformer

Introduction to the Transformer architecture. Encoder, decoder. Positional embeddings. Self-attention. Cross-attention. Decoding. Introduction to homework 1b.

Lecture 11 (11/04/2024, 2h): the attention mechanism

Neural language modeling. Context2vec. Neural language models with BiLSTMs. Contextualized word representations. Introduction to the attention. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Lecture 10 (05/04/2024, 4h): notebooks on real-world reviewing example, training in NLP, hyperparameters, LSTMs

Notebooks on real-world review classification example, Part-of-Speech tagging brief introduction, LSTMs recap, Notebook on Part-of-Speech Tagging with LSTMs, data preprocessing and training procedure best practices.


Lecture 9 (04/04/2024, 2h): RNNs and Long-Short Term Memory Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks. Issues. Long-Short Term Memory Networks.