Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Welcome to Multilingual Natural Language Processing!!!


Welcome to the Sapienza Multilingual NLP course blog 2024! The course is held at DIAG! Cool things about to happen:

  1. The course will contain lots of up-to-date content on deep learning, neural networks, Large Language Model, and an improved hands-on with PyTorch!
  2. For attending students, there will be only TWO homeworks (and no additional duty), one of which will be done with delivery by the end of September and will replace the project. Non-attending students, instead, will have to work on three homeworks.
  3. There will be cool challenges throughout the whole course, including the possibility of writing and publishing papers. You will be updated on the most relevant events in the area, including the Italian/Multimodal LLM national endeavor headed by Prof. Navigli.
  4. We will include the most recent additions (including from 2024) from the world of NLP!
Class hours are: TBD, DIAG, via Ariosto 25

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IMPORTANT: The current lecture model is in-person attendance. See the updated Syllabus.

IMPORTANT (bis): Note that the course has been renamed into Multilingual Natural Language Processing (if you have NLP in your plan and want to attend my course, please contact me at [surname]@diag.uniroma1.it). 

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