Friday, April 12, 2019

Lecture 13 (12/04/2019): Dependency Parsing Hands-on

Dependency parsing hands-on. A basic graph-based approach in Keras. Introduction to the attention mechanism.

Lecture 12 (11/04/2019): Q&A on homework 1

Padding and implementation details. Label design. Performance issues and tips to speed up training.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Lecture 11 (05/04/2019): syntactic parsing (2/2)

The Early algorithm. Probabilistic CFGs. Probabilistic parsing, Neural dependency parsing with LSTMs: graph-based vs. transition based. Arc-factored dependency parsing and arc-hybrid transition-based dependency parsing.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Lecture 10 (04/04/2019): syntactic parsing (1/2)

Introduction to syntax. Context-free grammars and languages. Treebanks. Normal forms. Dependency grammars. Syntactic parsing: top-down and bottom-up. Structural ambiguity Backtracking vs. dynamic programming for parsing. The CKY algorithm.