Friday, February 28, 2020

Lecture 2 (27/02/2020): more on NLP + introduction to machine learning and deep learning (1)

More on Natural Language Processing and its applications. Introduction to Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing: supervised vs. unsupervised vs. reinforcement learning. Features, feature vector representations.

Lecture 1 (25/02/2020): introduction to NLP

We gave an introduction to the course and the field it is focused on, i.e., Natural Language Processing and its challenges.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Ready, steady, go!

Welcome to the Sapienza NLP course blog! This year there will be important changes:

  1. The course will contain lots of new content on deep learning and neural networks!
  2. For attending students, there will be only TWO homeworks (and no additional duty), one of which will be done with delivery by the end of September and will replace the project. Non-attending students, instead, will have to work on a full-fledged project.
  3. There will be cool challenges throuhgout the whole course, including the possibility of writing and publishing papers.

IMPORTANT: The 2020 class hour schedule will be on Tuesday 14-16 and on Thursday 14-17, Aula 1 - Aule L ingegneria, via del Castro Laurenziano.

Please sign up to the NLP class!