Monday, March 27, 2023

Lecture 9 (27/03/2023, 1 hour): probabilistic language modeling

What is a language model? N-gram models (unigrams, bigrams, trigrams), together with their probability modeling and issues. Chain rule and n-gram estimation.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Lecture 8 (24/03/2023, 4 hours): definition of LSTM; handbook of a real-world classification problem; homework 1

More on LSTMs. Notebook on training, dev, test. Notebook on a real-world NLP problem. Assignment of Homework 1!

Lecture 7 (20/03/2023, 2 hours): more on word embeddings and RNNs

More on word embeddings. Lookup tables. Cooccurence matrices. GloVe. Stopwords. Static vs. contextualized embeddings. Different inputs and outputs for RNNs.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Lecture 6 (17/03/2023, 3 hours, E): word2vec, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), Long-Short Term Memory networks (LSMTs)

word2vec (CBOW and skipgram), PyTorch notebook on word2vec, recurrent neural networks, optimization for RNNs, Long-Short Term Memory (LSMT) networks.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Lecture 5 (13/03/2023, 2 hours, E): first hands-on with PyTorch with language detection

Recap of the Supervised Learning framework, hands on practice with PyTorch on the Language Detection Model: tensors, gradient tracking, the Dataset class, the Module class, the backward step, the training loop, evaluating a model.

Lecture 4 (10/03/2023, 2 hours, E): Machine Learning for NLP and intro to neural networks

Introduction to Supervised, Unsupervised & Reinforcement Learning. The Supervised Learning framework. From real to computational: features extraction and features vectors. Feature Engineering and inferred features. PyTorch vs Tensorflow. The perceptron model. What is Deep Learning, training weights and Backpropagation.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Lecture 3 (06/03/2023, 2.5 hours)

Introduction to classification in NLP. The task of Sentiment Analysis. Probabilistic classification. Logistic Regression and its use for classification. Explicit vs. implicit features. The cross-entropy loss function. 


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Lecture 2 (3/3/2023, 3 hours): Introduction to NLP (2/2)

Introduction to NLP in Rome. Introduction to Natural Language Processing: understanding and generation. What is NLP? The Turing Test, criticisms and alternatives. Tasks in NLP and its importance (with examples). Key areas.


Lecture 1 (27/02/2023, 2 hours): Introduction to NLP (1/2)

 We gave an introduction to the course and the field it is focused on, i.e., Natural Language Processing and its challenges.